Taned sain efengyl Iesu

(Ar Gasgliad i'r Gymdeithas Genhadawl)
Taned sain
      efengyl Iesu
  O ynys Brydain fawr i mā's,
Nes bo i genhedloedd digred,
  Wel'd ei goleu, profi'i blās:
    A dihengyd,
  O'r tywyllwch mawr i mā's.

Enw'r Iesu elo'n glodfawr,
  Yn ynysoedd pella'r byd;
Fel bo i filoedd dd'od i'w garu,
  A phwyso ar ei aberth drud:
    Dodi'r goron,
  Yn drag'wyddol ar ei ben.

Llwydda Arglwydd, dy genhadon,
  Sy'n pregethu angau'r groes;
Fel y b'o rhyw helaeth gasglu
  Gwerthfawr ffrwythau
        angau loes:
    Ac i'r Iesu,
  Gael o'i lafur i fwynhau.
Morgan Jones 1768-1835
Casgliad o Bum Cant o Hymnau (D Jones) 1810

[Mesur: 878747]

  Arglwydd arddel dy genhadon
  Enw'r Iesu elo'n glodfawr

(On the Collection for the Missionary Society)
Let the sound of the gospel
      of Jesus spread
  From the island of Great Britain out,
Until the unbelieving nations
  See its light, experience its taste:
    And escape,
  From the great darkness out.

May the name of Jesus become extolled,
  In the most distant islands of the world;
That thousands may come to love him,
  And lean of his precious sacrifice:
    Placing the crown,
  Eternally on his head.

Prosper, Lord, thy emissaries,
  Who are preaching the death of the cross;
That there may be come generous collecting
  Of the valuable fruits
          of the throes of death:
    And for Jesus,
  To get to enjoy those of his labour.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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